
carlee ellen;
hey fellow bloggers
i created this little blog,
because i know several girls like me
also have a crazy obsession with quotes.
i have an entire document filled with them,
and its probably time that i share them with others.
you can find me behind my camera, quincy.
you may also find me behind the chair doing hair,
working my little heart away,
or laughing 'til i cry with the wierdos i call friends.
i also have a personal blog,
which can be read here ---> missemoo.
happy quoting!

hi, most people call me crazy,
but you can just cal me CaLea.
i have a slight obsession with quotes;
i may or may not have an entire notebook filled
with quotes of every kid.
which is totally acceptable.
i'm a soccer player,
i'm still awaiting my letter from hogwarts,
and i tend to fall for boys who have no intention of catching me.
i'm a hopeless romantic, but shh. that's a secret.
you can take a glimpse into my mind over at
my personal blog {im}perfect.
warning: you may lose your mind upon visiting.

sarah michelle;
i am 16, live in utah,
oldest of 8, i love soccer & basketball,
and i go to pghs.
follow me here ----> what Love is...